Proud to sponsor Font Awesome 5

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  5. Proud to sponsor Font Awesome 5

For the uninitiated, Font Awesome is a fantastic resource for creators on the web. It does one job, and it does it very well – providing a free set of icons for use in web pages and web apps. FA takes a different approach to that of its predecessors (such as famfamfam‘s Silk Icons – seen on thousands of sites and apps the world over), utilising a custom font, one character per icon. That means each icon is a vector image, nicely scalable, can be styled with CSS – and the whole font weighs in at around 100kb.

It’s a free and open source icon framework, originally designed by Dave Gandy to work with Twitter’s Bootstrap. Along with 20 million(!) other people, we’ve used FA for many projects and sites over the past few years. A couple of weeks ago, Hayley stumbled across his new Kickstarter campaign to build the latest version, Font Awesome 5. It features the most awesome project video I’ve seen so far:

We’ve gotten so much benefit from the project in the past – it was an easy decision, and we’re very proud to support this upcoming version. The rewards for pledging are just as awesome – I couldn’t be more excited in anticipation of seeing the Red River new icon a part of the official free pack!

It’s currently sitting at over 2,025% of the original funding goal with 21 days to go – a testament to just how ubiquitous and beloved a well-designed, generous project can become.

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