Red River at the Bognor Prom 10k

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  5. Red River at the Bognor Prom 10k

Well we did it!  The months of painful training, the pulled muscles, the despair and the trips to the physio ended in triumph as all of us managed 10k on Sunday at the Bognor Prom Run. Not content with just 10k, one of us (Jon) decided to carry on into the afternoon and ended up clocking 20k for the day.

The distance was the most some of us had ever run; a great achievement for all especially in the heat of Bognor Prom.  Arriving at the finish line with blisters and running vest shaped sunburn, we could hear cries of “what an achievement”, “I will never, ever do that again” and “why the bloody hell did you make me do that?”  Luckily no one has resigned yet and there are murmurings of “next year.”

Kieren, although not visible on any of the official race videos, swore that he did it in 55 minutes, the best time of the day.  Dave is sore about losing the sprint finish for 1521st position and has stopped talking to Jon.  Lisa, completely focussed, got round the entire course without speaking.  Graham glided through the pack and beat Nick in the photo finish for 1243rd. Nick didn’t manage to get an ice-cream as promised. He blames his defeat to the distraction of the many ice-cream stalls along the prom.

We ran the race in order to raise money for The Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice and are just shy of our target figure of £1000.  If you have a spare pound or two please visit our Just Giving page and donate to this great cause.  We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has donated money so far.

We are looking forward to next year!

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