This week is officially Apprenticeship Week here in the UK, so what better time than now to shout about how important apprentices are in a business?
We have been working with apprentices for many years and most recently we took on Adam for an apprenticeship via the University of Chichester.
Adam is working with us four days a week during term time, and learning at university one day a week as he works towards a BSc in Software Engineering. Out of term time he works with us here Monday to Friday.
From this September we’ll be welcoming another apprentice to the team.
CEO of Red River, Simon Pringle, said:
‘We believe in apprentices. Learning about an industry and working within it at the same time means you’re regularly getting real world practice from what you learn. Adam works across many of our clients and is highly knowledgeable. We’re building his understanding whilst ensuring we have a highly skilled member of our team. He benefits from getting a highly recognised degree in this industry by the end of it.’

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is the 17th annual celebration of apprenticeships.
The week brings together everyone passionate about apprenticeships to celebrate the value, benefit and opportunity that they bring.
The theme for NAW is ‘Skills for Life’, with the aim for everyone to be encouraged to consider how apprentices can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and employers to develop a workforce with future ready skills.